Heartbreak To Happiness Course

Are you ready to feel good about yourself and your life again? Don’t you deserve to be happy?
Heartbreak to Happiness
Does This Sound Like You?

    • Broken up from a relationship or marriage?
    • Struggling to move on with your life?
    • Feeling shattered and disillusioned?
    • Feeling lost and unfocused?
    • Someone who thought your forever love would last forever, but it didn’t?
    • Someone who has lost the passion and zest for life?
    • Angry and bitter over what’s happened in your relationship?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you are still suffering from heartbreak trauma. But you don’t need to suffer forever!

If you are ready to move on, ready to say YES to you, ready to grow and learn from your experience, ready to transform your life, ready to feel ALIVE again, this course is for you!

This Course Will Teach You:

    1. Healthy and unhealthy ways to grieve to your specific personality type
    2. How to start healing your grief
    3. How to identify your 10 Heart Chambers, open and balance them
    4. How to rid yourself of blame energy
    5. Forgiveness exercises to free yourself
    6. How to remove memories and choose happiness
    7. How to get out of self-pity
    8. How to activate self-love and approval
    9. How to get you on track to your new life


How The Course Is Structured

soulmate support You will have access to this course, online, forever, once your purchase it. Course work will be delivered in 5 Modules. Lessons will unlock each week until the completion of the course. There will be videos, PDFs and calls-to-action throughout the course, making it easy to learn and easily digestible. You will have access to a member’s only site to access the material.

This is a healing course in addition to an educational course. Many lessons will take you through Cynthia’s 20 years of energy healing experience where you will feel the energy shifting in your body. This course is much more than theoretical, you will be able to feel and see a difference in your body!

grieve In this module, you will learn about the healthy and unhealthy ways to grieve, how to let go and surrender. You will begin to heal the pain of your trauma, you will learn about your heart chambers and their importance in your emotional system. You will balance and open your heart chambers and rid yourself of blame energy.
forgive This module will take you through several forgiveness exercises. Learn about what your relationship taught you and change your perspective to free yourself from pain. 

remove memories Holding on to memories can keep you stuck in the past. Learn several ways to clear yourself and your spaces.

get out of self pity Rebuild your self-love and learn ways to reclaim your own sense of security. When you know your own value, your life starts to make sense again.

your new life awaits This module gives you valuable tools to set your life back on track. You will learn ways to set new intentions using the laws of the universe and quantum physics.

Cynthia ClarkAbout your instructor:

Cynthia Clark has worked with thousands of individuals and couples over the past 10 years. She went through her own divorce trauma after 19 years of marriage, then selected some poor relationship choices before finding and marrying her soulmate in 2017. She understands the importance of commitment and having it all fall apart. When her marriage ended, she even had vertigo for nine months, stopping her in her tracks. The tools she teaches in this course come from her own healing journey and 20 years of experience in energy healing. As a student of metaphysical sciences and quantum physics, Cynthia knows that healing begins with making the choice to heal and letting the universe assist with that choice. Her passion is to empower others in their choice to heal with tools that get results faster and easier than working it out alone.

$497 for the Course or 3 Installments of $189

3 Payments $189/month

Satisfaction Guaranteed: If you are not satisfied with the course within the first 7 days, you are entitled to a refund. After 7 days, no refunds will be accepted.